Cephas Hour
Episode 110
Release Date: September 23, 2023

So … a funny thing happened on the way to the latest Cephas Hour …

… except it wasn’t all that funny.

What should have been routine site maintenance quickly turned into disaster, as a WordPress plugin plugged itself into a live wire and exploded, taking everything else with it.

Oh goody.

The “help” desk at my provider was the not-so holy trinity of helpless, hopeless, and hapless (note to self: dump GoDaddy ASAP), so I dusted off my long-dormant website skills and set to work. I reinstalled WordPress, knowing it would demolish most everything, but there was no alternative. Some MySQL sleight of hand reconnected the re-installed site to its existing database, thus preserving all the old ghosts … er, posts. Y’all caught the Prayer Chain reference there, I trust. A re-installation and activation of the preferred theme, thus restoring the site’s layout, and voilà! Almost back to normal. I need to reactivate the site’s security certificates, but that is forthcoming.

Regrettably, all of the site graphics seem to have vanished, thus leaving me with the unenviable chore of finding and reloading 110 or so album covers, artist photos, etc. This will take a while, and I might hold off until I find a new provider so I’m not doing everything twice.

Anyway, there is a new show recorded the same day everything on the site took a dive. It features a lot of Mylon LeFevre (rest in glory, brother), plus songs from Tom Howard, Larry Norman, and Rachel Wilhelm. Rachel is very much alive, by the way.

Stay tuned.



Trains Up In The Sky Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
More (Of Jesus) Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
My Heart Belongs To Him Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Free Man Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Gospel Ship Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Love God, Hate Sin Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Crack The Sky Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Stranger To Danger Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Praise Hymn / The Gift Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
The Warrior Mylon Lefevre & Broken Heart
Mansion On The Sand Tom Howard
I Am A Servant Larry Norman
In Paradise (In Paradisum) Rachel Wilhelm

2 thoughts on “Cephas Hour
Episode 110
Release Date: September 23, 2023”

  1. I am glad you got everything worked out, or at least have a semblance of a plan to get everything back on track. I am equally grateful that you got an episode put together celebrating Mylon. When I read of his passing I spent the next several days going through his catalog of music. I spent a considerable amount of time focused on his album “More,” which is a longtime favorite of mine by Mylon, and practically a terrific worship album if I say so myself. He will be missed, but I will cherish his music and the memories till we meet again on that “Train up in the sky!”

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